Aerial Thermography

See what the naked eye, or normal cameras, can’t see. From detecting anomalies in buildings to searching for missing people and pets, thermal cameras on drones can be a useful tool, day or night.

Aerial Thermography Portfolio

Search & Rescue . Building Facades . Cell Towers . Power Lines . Solar Panels

Midtown Promenade
A split screen image of the Georgia Power building
Our thermal gallery will debut on September 1, 2024
We are currently assembling our thermal projects. Thanks for your patience.
Icon of a pilot badge

Certifications & Insurance

Our pilots are Part 107 certified by the Federal Aviation Administration. We also carry UAV insurance with the ability to provide our customers with a COI (Certificate of Insurance) upon request.

We are a DBE-certified business in the state of Georgia since 2017.

Icons of FAA, DBE and GDOT logos

The Georgia Drone logo
The Georgia Drone
1220 Mecaslin St., Atlanta, GA 30318
Part 107 FAA-Certified | Certified DBE | Fully-insured
Copyright © 2021 The Georgia Drone, LLC . All Rights Reserved.